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留月心 发表于 2014-8-11 13:28:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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- I/ ?9 ~1 B# Q+ D; J/ c* W& C/ }6 c# t  W; p' m  Q; N0 S
: w* ?8 f! V! e' _; z3 X
“IF SOMEONE is shooting at you, the last thing you should focus on is the calibre of thebullet,” says George Kurtz, the boss of CrowdStrike, a young tech company.Seated at a coffee table at Black Hat, a conference for the cyber-securityindustry held in Las Vegasrecently, Mr Kurtz is expounding on the fundamental flaw he sees in the waymany firms deal with cyber-intrusions. Most, he says, spend too much timetrying to work out what hit them and far too little trying to understand themotivations of their attackers and how to counter future assaults.4 |! ~+ o# ?% p( p

; |- {  F8 ~2 ?0 C
- V8 x: @$ e, ~6 AAccording to Kurtz, when confronting cyber attacks, a company should focus on___.
3 P* H& j: I2 A% W7 b7 ]. P5 {' R% y0 o+ z' v6 v! C
( l2 j! u* y4 A$ J0 ~8 T- |
(A) the size of the bullet from the cyber assaults.
$ s' F  j5 [# }' F; P8 a
, Y# i  {9 I' k7 {3 E& }  T7 ]1 h
(B) the way to deal with electronic assaults.5 h- D7 ^; \" \' n2 _: M8 J- B
/ Z$ a7 B% F- i
8 y7 l1 z& J6 c/ L% U$ w2 V
(C) what hit them in future assaults.
0 M1 r& ~6 B5 b. w! W8 K+ G2 {) {+ a* w/ q5 ^3 o

- ]+ h! }: N, F! P* j(D) intentions of cyber-security industry.. s. j: ?$ K1 H% h

3 |4 G" u$ C. E4 Y1 }/ _- l! D% B0 r! p' Q! u1 D
解析:4 I8 X" g$ H0 d* n; R

7 t! o% |6 m: g' W1 R3 [1 \! I: c3 _
$ `: s$ v# b( _6 P* B题干识别:细节题(观点识别)5 f0 V+ i6 P8 Y/ E0 ^

3 w* o; T2 B. d5 O$ e6 `. ^, Y$ U5 {- ^; }2 W5 n* ^( J3 {$ L2 z
' y1 Y  k8 v. D
/ f" [, H- ~( z9 J8 h3 ?思路解析:问观点找观点,一一定位
4 O" t! q. M+ v+ a/ Z" V; }
7 b& f& X' g, B* l
7 H  V6 e" U* {$ v8 S! t5 M7 ^选项分析: (A)the size ofthe bullet from the cyber assaults.
" l- b5 I7 S8 D0 k$ {
+ r3 u! _4 S5 Q$ d6 m9 J+ {2 `) w$ Y- m. o6 S+ ]- N% a/ p+ e
3 p* L& X5 h2 Z# r( z" Z) g6 e- [- o! ?1 |/ @5 I% |

' }3 E( M; v8 `$ P(C)what hit themin future assaults.' s' @5 W& c9 E6 p" C: l1 F# |

7 C$ n% q& U, [( N% n8 F" P
( q0 S/ a. @( U% Z& U6 ~, |9 v2 r定位到最后两句:倒数第二句说:Mr Kurtz is expounding on the fundamental flaw he sees in the waymany firms deal with cyber-intrusions. Expound(详细解释)Mr Kurtz详细解释了他所看到的很多公司在处理网络攻击时,方法上的根本错误。(所以应该关注方法)$ f8 B8 t5 W# }: J& a( N& e8 X6 b

; i$ V' g6 B. g7 H( k6 g) e. b% x5 j
最后一句进一步讲错在哪里:Most, he says, spendtoo much time trying to work out what hit them and far too little trying tounderstand the motivations of their attackers and how to counter futureassaults.8 I: Z2 N% P) c: @

: C4 T' O6 a. y. r/ x9 H1 M- ?1 Z7 C( k4 z7 Z; W; x
$ c8 C' r+ o5 M7 e. y9 g/ C( f" s+ q+ `$ m; K- I$ B2 [* }
1 |1 s! P5 D, x9 Q  [& B! H- p  W& @7 A
/ A& o9 ~5 o, S* p( w4 ?8 q, v+ ]2 v2 X3 N- q* f
" \: e  e2 k- \
(D)intentions ofcyber-security industry.
3 q  S. _- _: }- T3 ^! ~/ P/ G: _
( U! ?* x- G+ v% {/ l* q
这个选项是强烈的干扰选项,文章中说的是the motivations of their attackers选项中被我偷换成了:cyber-security industry. 我是不是很坏啊
% `1 Q) K  `' I! t3 R
" O9 o0 o( ~8 _% F0 `. T) {- _: d5 s* ]
正确选项是:(B)the way to deal with electronic assaults.; ?4 }9 S' e9 ], e1 r
1 a; F$ T/ N9 N9 z- R3 b! l

( \8 S0 J) N8 T+ V6 s0 s这个选项我都觉得挺流氓的。相当于什么都没说。但确实是考研的思路,用到了模糊,- M( p: Q- |: O6 X( x# [- j6 X

% q. G) L0 f# |+ F+ w0 X( f9 n3 M+ u; c( W* l: ^( N5 b" A6 f
用到了取非:“公司的方法错了” 所以应该关注方法。但是在答案表述的时候不说具体方法关注是什么,而只是说关注方法。而且Electronic=cyber是很标准的同意替换。
6 }' S) J  ?; S2 W4 S- @9 V$ q& ]' \% Y/ f# e1 K% o
0 ^9 [' m7 D/ X1 N' H5 x
03年第一篇文章中就用过的了,自己去找electronic world+ s- K* S% T& L' D- d

- j" m$ l* B  q$ n) Z) O4 W6 x$ n6 V5 w8 y7 k6 C
原文:Mr Kurtz详细解释了他所看到的很多公司在处理网络攻击时,方法上的根本错误。(所以应该关注方法)1 ~* d+ J. Z' g. K# D, U4 N

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