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留月心 发表于 2014-8-9 11:23:19 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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再晚都会来的,网络的问题,来晚了一会儿。今天建议大家背诵06的第一篇文章。结构和内容都非常好。尤其是最后两段的写法尤为典型!$ y2 U) V  }5 T* U( f9 v

0 J) b5 J# {% h9 p' h# W3 o2 X2 S, o9 Y& I; Q; \( S
今天的句子熟悉吗?$ Z( T; h- I. \2 {! C4 T- I: H

. `" r: H& |0 S. E3 N3 n* H) ~" j# f% {, M5 v
Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism which,in its strongest form,states that language imprisons the mind,and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society.
3 ]1 p4 ]) Y/ o: `4 ^/ J* g5 t- A' |# D' [7 Q, F1 U

( v( y/ p6 R: g/ H& t主干识别: Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism
- U3 u. Y; [, c, Q2 ]; H
2 v8 |5 q* B9 j; d. S
1 c' ]% W& ]- x; }+ D! x6 M其他成分: which,in its strongest from,states that language imprisons the mind,and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society.定语从句
" X" Z- j- k  i8 F7 e
1 {) ?( J# ?" `1 @
3 o! c6 ?0 w# p/ {8 M  R翻译点拨: 词汇的处理:$ d) F( h& J3 [. S, m2 ~
+ B$ E" S2 [" \, H

* D" R. [! O8 z0 I" O1)a sort of 某种  Q& ]/ i1 [: ~- G* e
) \5 p; S) }  D5 c
8 q% Z- |' s4 G# E% [
2) linguistic determinism语言决定论
5 Y0 j, p  ?, N: R$ A2 t
8 a, r9 `& [1 b! l2 ?; a9 a; z$ M2 c: b5 y& [9 Q4 O7 Q3 y
3) in its strongest form其极端说法是;
! {; W5 }+ G3 k
) Q: N7 ?- m1 }5 C# w
: v& w4 ]$ y+ _* H! K% a4) imprison the mind禁锢思维
$ O. @  c$ i5 d9 H# P; I. G+ Z+ N1 c  N6 m: q4 Z
2 Y9 m% m5 S0 j  T, z" g
5) far-reaching 深远的; 伸得很远的;
& \$ t* d5 N2 @: W+ a) E2 ]% ^6 G& c# y) y' v( `9 z) z
# ?! C' G  [! T" U& A; ]! p
主句的处理:5 K$ B5 C# Z) i4 d4 F1 q3 i2 A) q
Whorf came to believe in a sort of linguistic determinism.+ A! _+ Q* X+ o, I6 }4 V: }! z
) k5 R) [: _% R( N# B7 h* {

0 r* T4 X5 [3 O  s0 L6 k, M$ \* fWhorf逐渐相信了某种语言决定论;
9 i  I, T; F7 |! c2 M7 f6 j* K
: H$ `9 E7 h& K% U1 \1 O/ W9 C, N
$ ~2 o" G$ g$ V: v- _. K6 Z定语从句的处理:
: D# C/ i4 h( }  b- _2 W5 Z8 t  H* J; C9 p' F, F9 [

6 [% h9 e5 L9 C5 {3 ^4 M" b* bwhich,in its strongest from,states that language imprisons the mind,and that the grammatical patterns in a language can produce far-reaching consequences for the culture of a society
0 J: H7 K! f& r0 g( Q) @( ^$ h# L9 m! O) ?1 i5 Z- O9 Z/ S! O$ @1 L

9 Y& `7 J1 Q5 Iin its strongest from其极端的说法
3 z1 g3 m- e* Q' p$ ~/ y$ z; f* d; ^; o" o: y5 }# t

; K1 G1 D4 S4 l# r1 P4 x5 q其极端的说法是认为…和 认为…
& v6 X7 u3 F: B' ~; [/ e+ x
) ]7 D/ s5 a. h8 Q- y
& m9 f5 H+ w9 M+ Z4 |. ?状语的处理:, o( {/ P& P2 A% s8 j* ~

; s. Z' z& |& D& `) J
  A+ h$ N( q6 Q- a2 j0 G! ufor the culture of a society
! H8 H: s# D5 Q+ f8 ]8 s8 A9 Y4 n# i6 Q" [  f: t

- O, H6 ^0 e: W% x/ u; ?对社会的文化..
- M- J; v7 {( M4 a3 T/ [
7 V' j5 o" r/ ]/ C1 @5 A2 s# Z
/ _& M- t" [7 h1 i参考译文: Whorf逐渐接受了某种语言决定论;这种观点的极端说法是:语言禁锢了思想,语言的语法模式可以对某种社会文化产生深远的影响( q( ]# i9 B- H7 f6 Z+ {
6 L/ X/ l+ P& n0 |


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