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epiman 发表于 2009-4-3 17:10:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


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此帖记录《SAS在制药领域的应用》一书的版权联系情况,做个记录,  y/ T9 C/ T- \. W7 N$ B5 P
 楼主| epiman 发表于 2009-4-3 17:11:42 | 显示全部楼层
授权联系进展08-12-29. C6 o; g* V9 Q- @' S# j9 G
. \# z7 S& S8 W; t+ wUnfortunately, I cannot grant you permission to translate my book because I do not own the copyright on my book.  However, I am checking with SAS to see what we can do to get you what you need.  Give me a couple of days to see what my editor at SAS says. % J& R1 b$ f1 J4 `
I am glad you have found my book useful.  I will be back in touch shortly to let you know what can be done to get a translation done.
0 n# N0 l% F! eThanks,
% o* ]7 v+ ~$ N3 T  qJack

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 楼主| epiman 发表于 2009-4-3 17:12:08 | 显示全部楼层
授权联系进展09-01-07[Jack Shostak]5 S1 F' h+ f9 L- x
Qiguo, . `1 l( `0 y" X3 h  r- g% l, x, S
I spoke with SAS press and my editor would be happy to talk with you about the possibility of translating that book.  Her name is Hamilton and she can be reached at the address.  Let me know if I can help out further. 7 i3 @/ c+ s/ O; _
9 u/ k, B+ v$ aJack

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 楼主| epiman 发表于 2009-4-3 17:13:03 | 显示全部楼层
授权联系进展09-01-07[SAS Press]) q6 q, d) w! e
Hi Lian,
4 Z4 x$ c3 z! n/ U' j: E* V
3 B8 @% _0 Q* k: kThanks so much for writing to us about your interest in translating Jack Shostak’s book SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry into Chinese Simplified. I’ve copied SAS Press’s editor in chief, Julie Platt, on this e-mail message. She will likely need more information about your plans for publication and distribution. She will be in touch with you soon with specific queries. Please let me know if you have any questions.: R. r. X$ r  ?  _" q6 F. ~
Thanks again for your interest in SAS Press books.
! k9 @( `8 b* u& \  {Best wishes,
7 |- q) R4 N+ a& O8 M9 d6 P, a' b* mStacey Hamilton

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 楼主| epiman 发表于 2009-4-3 17:14:16 | 显示全部楼层
授权联系进展09-01-08[SAS China]
( P0 ?& o0 ~: K8 X% }1 M& J廉先生,
* w5 G( N8 V5 A非常高兴能和您通电话。我会尽快解决下面两个问题:  ?6 q: r, D( A/ _) b
1. 网站广告的设计和费用
5 i. o# a. x8 v. Q5 F! V% b, B) _; B2. 关于SAS在制药行业的应用一书的版权和出版费用问题。2 H& r7 o+ A' W0 d. Y& F4 A
; f4 [+ ?9 j$ |! t& h' ^: D$ ?! vMa Chenbin
1 I$ C8 I) j* [6 {) b9 V, z赛仕软件(北京)有限公司
$ A2 E* @. i5 LSAS Software (Beijing) Co.,Ltd.. f) y6 q9 H1 I
地址: 北京市东城区东长安街1号东方广场E1座1801-1803室9 g" y) w: I  K
邮编: 100738

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 楼主| epiman 发表于 2009-4-3 17:19:10 | 显示全部楼层
主题: RE: about translation of a SAS BOOK〔2009-03-23〕
/ O$ P. x. g( {& O# z" E; n  yHi, Eric and Cable Ma.4 Q: ?8 E( G1 l" L6 }4 v
We’re delighted to know that there is interest in translating Jack Shostak’s book, SAS Programming in the Pharmaceutical Industry, and we certainly want to support this effort.
4 v$ ?" y! _5 I. s/ L  ^ When SAS Press books have been translated, we’ve used a couple of different approaches:
1 X) z6 `, G5 W% ?9 x( l· SAS has contracted with another publisher to translate, publish, and distribute the translated version.& q" j8 y1 A. g" C
·SAS has transferred rights to a translator who has worked with a publisher to publish and distribute the translation.. [. D5 D8 [" C7 ~' S
Could you clarify for me which approach you feel will be used for this project?  Y% ?5 W* {, N$ y/ \& p" M
In general, we require a one-time payment of $1000 USD for the rights to translate. However, the details of how that project would be handled and the rights associated with distribution would be determined by the approach used for the translation--either working with another publisher or with a translator.+ H' r( P0 x) w. a3 n- ]' ^0 T6 l7 U. ]
I look forward to hearing from you!
- w' x* M  r7 Y  C6 II will be out of the office attending SAS Global Forum Monday through Wednesday of next week. However, I will do my best to respond to you while I am away.6 H4 X2 f  j/ f8 w4 _/ h; X
Best regards,( k1 B1 g( T% g3 O8 c. R
Julie8 A: q' _8 H0 c, D/ i, _$ l& x

+ L5 B+ H; ?; c* I& o9 _Hi Julie,
$ V1 H2 h  Q6 [5 Y& D
6 }+ F3 ^2 W" N" gThanks for your suggestion and help.
8 m5 F$ R+ u" t5 _ The translator and us prefer the 2nd way. Pls kindly indicate how we move on next. Thanks.' W8 ?  T: B/ Y  u9 {" }% x! R# O# c

3 k0 s$ @- g' l  N' q马晨斌 (Ma Chenbin)
( e$ `2 r# ^% q赛仕软件(北京)有限公司. f# X" X' A$ K5 \% z# h
SAS Software (Beijing) Co.,Ltd.
& E1 y( q! H0 L1 c$ s3 ^$ N地址: 北京市东城区东长安街1号东方广场E1座1801-1803室
! P+ _, p0 v( x) `邮编: 100738

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